- Lets talk about the future & the past through the minds eye of some prophets who have been pretty spot on in the years.
- Baba Vanga The Blind Bulgarian woman who has been more than 85% accurate with her predictions also Nostradamus and his predictions of 911 and President Kennedy's death. but he said this in 1555.
- Blanco gives Mitch McConnell 15 yrs. to live!! umm Pinkie & Spook find it way to long!
- babies being born in labs ?? Pinkie wants a baby making vending machine! Que??
- Our new song " Ba bb ba Baba Vanga!"
- Did Hitler really kill himself or did he make it to Argentina ?
- Mother Shipton witch and prophet
- Drop something in the well next to Mother Shipton's' Cave in England and it will petrify.
- have you ever heard about "Dear David?" look it up online after you hear about him here.
- This and a whole Effin' Lot of Mumble Jumble!!