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Jan. 30, 2024

S2-9 TECC " Shit Our Parents Said That We Say Now & Of Course Effin' Mumble Jumble!!"

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The Effin' CrunchCrew

- Pinkie Falls on her way into the studio and we saw it on video!
- Blanco knows why his dad was pissed off most of his childhood...because Blanco was  Prick!! (He Still Is)
-   Pan Blanco's "The Blowfish Defense Mechanism"??
- "Beat You Down To The White Meat !"
- Spooks' 25th Birthday in Dallas Jail ... & Two Drunk Guys Sing Him Happy Birthday!
- Spooks' One phone call and calls his sister while she and  Big O are at SPOOKS'  Surprise PARTY!!
- Chained up to Hannibal Lector / The Undertaker !! WTF

- Cat's Get Cold !! Sorry
- Spook believes in putting you out your misery ... just Saying!
- Spook's 1st rap song & being the only Mexican in an all Black gang ..Yup ! That happened.
- This and A Whole Lotta Effin' Mumble Jumble!!