CRUNCH CREW!! WE have a GOOD ONE for You All today ... DUCADO VEGA is in the house come listen and get to know him and the ties that are between Today On THE EFFIN' CRUNCHCREW boy do he and Spook & Pan Blanco have history From the early beginning's when Spook was rapping and Ducado was producing oh yeah and DUCADO brought some OLD SONGS of Big Spook and himself when they started....WE ARE TALKING 1995 & UP!! And the same lady who signed Beyonce and Jessica Simpson wanted to sign Spook and Ducado to SONY What happened?? ... Find out where Ducado got his name from and who makes damn great pies? Also Its funny how life seems to connect you in the begining to sprout where you are now in this music entertainment industry. All this and much much more to come on The Effin' CrunchCrew