- Pinkie Fell... Again In A Parking Lot...Pinche Chanqla'!!
- Latino Mamas' can whoop the Latin out of you with Chanqla'(Flip-Flop)
- Eff' DPS'!! Re-newing your DL is a freaking joke !! And asking Spook for citizenship is phucking ridiculous!! UGHH pissed me off .. YOU Better Plan In Advance!!
- Blanco Gets his Drivers License Suspended For 18 months!! Phuck You Do??
- Pinkie gets paddled once in School for being in trouble, Blanco gets whooped a lot in school ,& Spook should have been locked up in juvenile!- These Bad Asses!
- Blanco slapped across the head by teacher because his mom gave permission
- UFO's during the Eclipse..& Blanco finds Ghost footage of Gettysburg ghost in field in the day!
- What Time Period Would Each Of Us Choose the To Live In ??
- All This & And Some Effin Mumble Jumble Nonsense!!