- Whats a weenus??
- LOCUS are coming !!
- Whats wrong with a trashed donut ? It was in a box.
- Dirty Fountain Drink Dispenser
- Nancy Green born a slave in 1834 but became a very wealthy woman who we know as " Aunt Jemima "Nancy Green actually worked with the Aunt Jemima brand until 1923.
- Leave my childhood alone!!
- Speedy Gonzales & his cousin Slow Poke Rodriguez
- (Sponsor ) NOT JUST Q
- Hitting same Dog In The Street In California Twice!! Same Day ...UGHH
- Walking from house to corner store in California wearing blue shirt and Ran into 3 gang bangers who didnt like the color blue..."what happen was!"...
- This and a Bunch of Effin' Mumble Jumble !!!